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Výsledky 81 - 100 z približne 251
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Zdrojový jazyk
Portugalsky Me dê a sua mão E seu amor e o seu amor ...
Me dê a sua mão
E seu amor e o seu amor

Chorando se foi
Quem um dia
Só me fez chorar...(2x)

Chorando estará
Ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia
Não soube cuidar...(2x)

A recordação
Vai estar com ele
Aonde for...(2x)

Hotové preklady
Brazílska portugalčina Me dê a sua mão
Anglicky Give me your hand
Hebrejsky תן לי את ידך
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky זיהוי ג'אקואים ויזואלית
Visual Sexing
This is to be used only as a quick guide and is not intended to replace DNA or surgical sexing. Most aviculturists are aware of the males being darker in color. This can only be based on the fact both birds originated in the same region of Africa or they are chicks from the same clutch. Also, hens may have a gradual dark-to-light transition of gray from the neck to the belly, while males have a more uniform gray in the same area.
זיהוי מין ויזואלית באפרור אפריקאי

זה תוכי מסוג ג'אקו

אשמח עם תוכלו לתרגם לי את זה לעיברית


Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky זיהוי מין באמצעים ויזואליים
Zdrojový jazyk
Španielsky esta canción que nace de la tristeza se fue...
esta canción que nace
de la tristeza se fue forjando
cuando con tu pañuelo
el adiós me decías
nunca creí que el olvido
en las tinieblas (falta)

en el puerto tu imagen
que lentamente desaparece
esos dos chiquilines
no se imaginaban
que las aguas profundas
eternamente los separaban

vagué yo por los (falta)
solo estuve en la playa
para recordar tu pelo
tus rojos labios tu risa clara
yo soy como una luna
y solo vivo con tu luz

que sensación extraña oír tu voz en el horizonte
quién sabe si existo en el mar de tus sueños
los días son tan largos y tan porfiados los pensamientos

Hotové preklady
Anglicky this song that is born
Hebrejsky שיר זה נולד
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Anglicky The earliest references to animal testing are...
The earliest references to animal testing are found in the writings of the Greeks in the second and fourth centuries BCE. Aristotle and Erasistratus were among the first to perform experiments on living animals .Galen, a physician in second-century Rome, dissected pigs and goats, and is known as the "father of vivisection.
עברית בזכר

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky האזכור הראשון לניסויים בבעלי חיים
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky English to Hebrew for Tattoo Idea please
Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry

Send blessings apon the works of our hands

Sing to me the song of the stars

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky תרגום מאנגלית לעברית עבור קעקוע
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Anglicky What would life be without music?
What would life be without music?
Vad vore livet utan musik?

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky איך היו נראים החיים בלעדי המוסיקה?
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky I am pretty but I am not beautiful, I sin but I...
I am pretty but I am not beautiful, I sin but I am not the devil, I am good but I am not an angel
bu metini ibranıce olarak dövme yaptırmak istiyorum

<edit> "i" (9th letter of the alphabet) with "I" (1st person singular pronoun)</edit> (06/20/francky)

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky אני יפה אך לא יפיפיה, אני חוטאת אך אני לא השטן, אני אדם
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky I'm my love's and my love is mine.
I'm my love's and my love is mine.
This is for male, please.

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky אני לדודי ודודי לי
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky father's joy
father's joy
hi, im looking for the hebrew characters for "father's joy" in the female form

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky שמחת האב
10Zdrojový jazyk10
Rumunsky declaraţie
Te iubesc, drăcuşorule! Şi fără tine viaţa mea nu are nici un rost. Îţi mulţumesc că mă faci atât de fericită.
Obs: Text written by a WOMAN to a man. /Freya

Hotové preklady
Španielsky Te amo diablito.....
Anglicky I love you
Hebrejsky הצהרה
Turecky Seni seviyorum
Albánsky Të dua
Afrikánština Ek is lief vir jou, my duiweltjie.
Francúzsky Je t'aime, petit démon!
Thajština ฉันรักเธอ
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky He is the father of Jacob. The father of Jacob...
He is the father of Jacob.
The father of Jacob is the son of Joseph
speaker is male

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky הוא אביו של יעקב. אביו של יעקב
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky I love you with all my heart and hope that I...
I love you with all my heart and hope that I can always make you proud.
Happy anniversary babe,
All my love and kisses
Your wife
this is for a man.

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky אני אוהבת אותך בכל ליבי ואני מקווה כי ...
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky describes frequency domain measurement
describes frequency domain measurement
<edit> "frquency" with "frequency"</edit>

Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky מתאר את מידת תדירות הדומיין
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky Take Care, Have a Nice Day/Week, Love from your friend, Dear Ashley,
“Take care”,

“Have a nice day/week!”,

“Love from your friend”


“Dear Ashley (as in a letter)”?
I'm Jewish, but I never went through any sort of Hebrew School, and I'm afraid I'm really unsure of what Hebrew I DO know.

(This should be translated into the female specification.)


Hotové preklady
Hebrejsky שמרי על עצמך,שיהיה לך יום/שבוע טוב, באהבה מחברתך, אשלי היקרה
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky daddy- father
1- I love my father
2- I love my daddy very much
3- I want to be like my daddy
i want to do a tattoo. i want to chose a language on which it'll look very interesting.
and i'm mot sure how to show my feelings better.=) so, all words i want to say i wrote=) very big thank you if you will translate all what you can=) before the sentenses near which there are numbers 1, 2, 3 should be "i"

Hotové preklady
Arabsky Translation
Hebrejsky אבא
Perzština بابا - پدر
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